Liposuction, is used to help sculpt the body , by removing unwanted fat from the specific areas, which include the:

  • chest,
  • shoulder,
  • tummy
  • abdomen,
  • hips,
  • buttocks,
  • thighs,
  • knees,
  • upper arms,
  • chin,cheeks and neck.

However there are no specific results, with regards, to sculpting the knees,cheeks,elbows. With this kind of procedure, there is no specific diet and exercise.

Liposuction, is used to help sculpt the body , by removing unwanted fat from the specific areas, which include the chest, shoulder,tummy abdomen,hips,buttocks,thighs,knees,upper arms,chin,cheeks and neck. However there are no specific results, with regards, to sculpting the knees,cheeks,elbows. With this kind of procedure, there is no specific diet and exercise.

Liposuction can remove stubborn areas of fat that do not respond to traditional weight-loss methods. It is often referred to as lipo-sculpture,lipo-plasty or suction lip-ectomy.

In the past, liposuction was refined and made safer with the tumescent technique,however the ultrasonic method which was helpful in the past,now with the state-of-the-art power assisted method, at the “Concept Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centre, which provides patients with more precise results and quicker recovery time.

If You Are Considering Liposuction

With this technique, you can help sculpt the body, by removing unwanted fat from the specific areas, that includes the abdomen,hips,buttocks,thighs,knees upper arms,chin, cheeks and neck.

Liposuction has, benefited from several new refinements. Liposuctions, in the past decade was also known as “liposculpture.”lipoplasty”or suctio lipectomy”. The ultrasonic had been known to help in the past, however the state-of-the-art-power assisted method is used to provide patients, with better results and recovery time which is minimal. There are a number of new techniques like, the ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL), the tumescent technique, and the super-wet technique, are helping many plastic surgeons, to give sufficient satisfaction to patients, with more precise results and quicker recovery times.

The newest technique, which is called power-assisted liposculpture (PAL). This technique, uses the sonication of UAL, without any complications, of damaging or burning the skin. With this technique the results, are better, and the recovery time, and type of swelling and pain is less, with this technique, than with UAL.

The Best Candidate

To make sure that you are the best candidate, for liposuction, you need to consider your expectations, about what type of procedure, would suit you best. It is important, that you understand that liposuction can enhance your appearance and self confidence, however, it won't change your looks according to what idea you have in mind to be exact.

The best candidate for liposuction, is to have firm elastic skin with pockets of fat in certain areas. Also you should be,physically healthy,and psychologically sound, and realistic in your expectations. The age is not a major consideration;however with older patients you may have skin that does not have enough of elasticity of the skin and may not achieve the same results, as a younger person with tighter skin.

Liposuction carries a great risk, if you have previous medical problems, like diabetes, heart disease,lung disease, poor blood circulation, or even those who have recently had a surgery near the area to the contoured.

All Surgery Carries Some Uncertainty And Risk

There are always risks, associated with surgery and some complications, associated with this procedure. Nevertheless, there are thousands of procedures which are performed successfully, by a plastic surgeon, the results are generally positive.

There would be some, post-operative complications, such as infections, and also blood clots which are rare, but can occur. The infection can be treated with drainage and antibiotics but will prolong you hospital stay. You would be able to minimise the risk of blood clots by moving around after the surgery.

If there is poor healing, which results in conspicuous scars, which may necessitate a second operation. If you are a smoker, you are advised to stop smoking, which may increase the risk of complications and delay healing. There is often temporary loss of sensation, which may last up to a year after surgery. You would need to check with your plastic surgeon, as to when you can resume your normal activities.

Types Of Anaesthesia

Various types of anaesthesia can be used for liposuction procedures. Together, you and the doctor will select the type of anaesthesia that provides the most safe and effective level of comfort for your surgery.

If only a small amount of fat and a limited number of body sites are involved, liposuction can be performed under local anaesthesia used along with intravenous sedation to keep you more relaxed during the procedure. However, most patients prefer general anaesthesia, particularly if a large volume of fat is being removed. If general is to be utilised, a nurse anaesthetist and an anaesthesiologist (if the surgery is to be performed at a hospital) will be called in to make sure you are completely asleep during the procedure.

The Surgery

How long the surgery takes, to perform liposuction, would depend on the size of the area and the amount of fact that needs to be removed, also considering the type of anaesthesia, and the technique used, as there are various techniques used to provide ease,comfort, and also results .

The Procedure

This procedure, is used to re-contour the body, and remove the fat deposits in one or more areas of the body. An incision, is made, and a narrow tube or cannula, is inserted to used to vacuum the fat layer that lies beneath the skin, then the cannula is then pushed and pulled through the fat layer, breaking up the fat cells, and suctioning them out. This is done with the help of a vacuum pump,for suction.

When this procedure is carried out, fluid is lost along with the fat being removed, so it is very important that the plastic surgeon, sees that the fluid is replaced, to prevent shock. Patients are carefully monitored, and receive intravenous fluids during the surgery and after the surgery.

After Your Surgery

There would be some fluid that would ooze out of the incisions, however a small drainage tube would be placed beneath the skin for a couple of days to prevent the fluid build up. To control the swelling and also help the skin to better contour, the surgeon would place you in a snug elastic garment to wear over the treated area for a few weeks.

Your would still experience some pain, even though new techniques are used and help reduce some of the post-operative discomforts, you would expect to feel a little weak after the surgery, your also experience some burning, swelling, bleeding and temporary numbness. Pain medications, would be administered to control the pain.

Getting Back To Normal

You should avoid, any kind of strenuous activity for about a month, you would need to walk to reduce the swelling and also help prevent blood clots from forming in your legs. You would feel better after about a week or two.

The bruising and swelling should disappear in about 3weeks or so, some slight swelling would be there, which would gradually disappear.

Follow-up visits with your surgeon is important.

You would discover a new shape to your body immediately after the surgery. However the improvement will become more significant, in about four to six weeks, when the swelling subsides.

You can maintain the shape by exercising, and eating a healthy diet.