Anti-Aging Surgery for Scars

Scars are of several kinds and can be treated with different surgical procedures. The production of scars is a subsequent action of the healing.

Many methods can be employed for treating the scars. Some of them are dermabrasion, grafts, excision etc. The graft method makes use of a piece of tissue called graft from an external area of the body. Graft is commonly employed in persons who have burns. If the scars affect other functions, surgery may be the preferable option.

Anti aging

Dermabrasion: The method is primarily employed to correct injury related scars. The treatment, on the other hand is not so much used for the treatment of congenital skin irregularities like moles, birthmarks etc. Dermabrasion is suitable only for individuals of a much fairer complexion. It is due to the reason that in darker skins, this method can result in discoloration. In this technique, the specialist sands the skin by using special devices.

Microdermabrasion is a relatively similar technique which involves spraying of tiny crystals on to the skin. One of the advantages is that this treatment can be applied for all complexions.

Scar depigmentation is yet another technique that is developed to treat scars. De-pigmentation can be done by 2 ways: Permanent Cosmetic Camouflage and Pigment Reactivation.

Permanent Cosmetic Camouflage: In this cosmetic procedure, the scar is camouflaged with permanent skins. The use of these pigments would give away a more natural appearance to the scars. However, maintenance has to be made at regular intervals despite of which the colour of the pigments may fade away with time. These pigments have an amount of Titanium Dioxide in them so that they do not change their colour and texture with seasons.

Pigment Reactivation: This is one of the cosmetic techniques that have a success rate of over 80%. The technique is the treatment for cause in contrast to symptom treatment. Through this remedial method, the melanocytes are stimulated. The collagen material is also restructured in the de-pigmented area. A considerable match in the skin tone can be obtained in the areas that were previously non-pigmented.

Scars can also be removed with the help of laser. Severe scars can be painful and can affect the mobility to a certain extent. Those patients might need to suffer pain for scar removal. Removal with laser is non-invasive and hence does not cause any pain. Laser pulse is employed for coagulating scar tissues. The photobiomodulating effect of the laser also triggers the formation of new tissues in the affected areas. In addition, it takes only minimal time to heal.