Acne Scar Treatment

Due to the excess sebum, which clogged the pores, acne is formed. The skin is irritated and inflamed with tiny boils called pimples,when you rub acne or pick at it, the fluid in the pimples seeps into the surrounding skin leading the acne to spread, picking on the acne leaves unpleasant scars on the skin which can take very long to disappear. The doctors have come to conclusion, the acne is hereditary, and whether the person develops acne scars. These genes we inherit make some people more likely to scar.

Acne can be separated into two categories:

  • Depressed Scars
  • Raised Scars

At,Concept Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centre, our team of professionals can handle, to treat both types of scars,and this treatment is performed by qualified doctors. These depressed scars are normally, treated with the help of acne scar surgery, laser resurfacing, fillers, chemical peels, and dermbarasion. The treatment options, for raised scars includes acne scar surgery,cryotherapy ,laser light and injections. The doctor recommends a combination of these therapies to get maximum results. Let us look at into these treatments and their effectiveness in removing acne scars.

Treatment of depressed scars:

Acne Scar Surgery

Acne surgery, remains,as one of the most effective treatment options for treating depressed acne scars. The main goal of this treatment, is to replace a large, deep scar with a smaller,flatter scar, which would be less noticeable and more or less likely to fade,after the treatment and the scar removed and the skin heals the smaller scars can be removed with the help of laser skin resurfacing. With Acne scar surgery there are a few steps involved.

  • Firstly the scar is removed from the skin, by using a surgical instrument, after that the scar is removed, the surrounding tissue around the treated area is then raised and left to heal.
  • With this procedure, the skin from another part of the body is grafted to fill the opening.

After Acne Scar Surgery!What can be expected?

After about 2 weeks, the skin will gradually return to normal and its original texture, and the scars would have faded off.


A clear gel, is injected into the skin through a thin needle. The gel then provides natural volume to the selected area, which smoothen' s out the lines in this area. There is no anaesthesia, required and pain-sensitive skins may require an ice pack before the treatment. In earlier, times doctors used fat from patient's arms and injected it into their faces to plump up the skin, the doctors used paraffin and silicone as derma fillers. Later in the nineties, a form of collagen,which was derived from cows that was safe for humans use. Most temporary fillers last about 3 -6 months. The results are more effective,when the dermatologist fills, the scars with your own fat, and these results last up to 1-3 years.

What you can expect after treatment with a filler?

You will be able to return to normal activities, as usual. There would some redness and swelling, which is normal, and some minor bruising also may be visible.

Chemical Peels

The strongest chemical peel in healing scars, are phenol acid, this peel produces the most lasting result and the entire treatment , which can take between 1-2 hours. Phenol acid peels are not recommended, by the doctor for people who have a darker complexion,as the end result may cause permanent lightening of the skin. Phenol peels are used, over a smaller area and may take about 10-15 minutes, after the phenol peel treatment, the doctor would apply some petroleum jelly to the treated area. These chemical peels are normally used only once.

What you can expect after a chemical peel:

There would be some redness,the amount of redness depends on the type of peel used by the doctor. It is important that you know which chemical will cause your skin to peel, consult with your doctor. After this procedure, after about 14 days, you will experience new skin. The peels required some follow-up care. It is important to protect your skin from the sun after a chemical peel, as it is necessary to help prevent unwanted side effects , such as infection and scarring.


This is a procedure,that involves the removal of the topmost layers of the skin,and this is done by sanding, the skin carefully, with the help of a rotating wire brush, after spraying the brush with a numbing chemical, this process takes a few minutes to an hour , depending on the extent of the area to be treated, and the depth of the scar. This procedure is carried out under local anaesthesia, and there is minimal pain, with this treatment.

What can I expect after the treatment?

The area, may feel a bit sun-burnt, and the skin is usually swollen for about 2 days, and simple actions of smiling, eating, may be uncomfortable or difficult. Usually a scab form over the treated area around the second day, and the entire healing process may take up to around 1-2 weeks. The new skin would have a red tone which takes about a month to fade.

Treatment of raised scars:

There are two types of raised scars – Keloids, and hypertophoic scars. With time, these scars become larges, and become more noticeable, and some raised scars itch, which can be very painful and tender.

Treatments- To treat raised scars include:

Steroid Injections

Injections, of corticosteroids, are used to soften and flatten thick, raised scars, usually the doctor gives the injection every few weeks, the frequency will depends upon the type of scar and many other considerations. There are some patients, who receive an injection, every 2-3 weeks. The others get an injection once every 3-6 weeks. If the scar does not respond(or stops responding) by the 4th injection , other wise scar surgery may be recommended.

Acne Scar Surgery: If the scars do not respond to the injections, then surgery may be recommended to remove the scar.

Pulsed Dye Lasers: This can be effective for treating, some keloids, and hypertrophic scars, these treatment with a PDL which can help reduce the itch and pain, diminish the colour, and flatten a raised scar.